Our definition of the R&D-process:
1. Basic physics, observing general principles of physics.
2. Applied physics; developing the observed general principles of physics into practical solutions and systems, demonstrated by models, simulations, proof-of-concept or prototypes.
3. Developing market ready application systems.
Typically APRACETA conducts the applied physics research of R&D-projects, but also contribute to the basic physics research.
APRACETA pre-projects evaluates the basic research results.
The development from prototype into commercial technology is normally the clients responsibility.
APRACETA also conducts long term trial research, in cooperation with ACET-Solutions, like the agriculture CO2 elimination project and the nuclear waste energy projects, both planned spanning decades of R&D.
Example 1:
Watering in agriculture; aerial moist extraction and power conversion agriculture surface cooling":
1. Observing Stirling heat extraction cooling principle and the effect on energy conversion (basic physics research).
2. Confirming and researching Stirling assisted cooling and energy potential in general, and specifically the bi-product of direct and indirect utilization of condensed water in arid agriculture regions (applied physics research).
3. Lab tests bi-production compensate power (applied physics research).
4. Demonstration in agriculture environment / test farm, and agricultural Universities (applied physics research).
5. Commercial application development.
Utilization of water in agriculture;
• growing of crops,
• supplying drinking water to livestock,
• cleaning farm buildings and animals,
• and supplying drinking water for those who work on the farm
• but in arid regions at the cost of groundwater reservoirs.
Example 2:
"Stirling assisted cooling project":
1. Observing Stirling heat extraction cooling principle and the effect on energy conversion (basic physics research).
2. Confirming and researching Stirling assisted cooling and energy potential in general, and specifically the Land Tech 2013 lab proof-of-concept (applied physics research).
3. Lab tests piston and "axial" Stirling heat extraction (applied physics research).
4. Prototype demonstration (applied physics research).
5. Commercial application development (development).
Société de R&D ACET Solutions SARL :
A. Agriculture ; inverser le réchauffement climatique anthropique – « 4per1000 » et « ACCS »
C. Climat ; resynchroniser l'homme et la nature, production 100% recyclable
E. Énergie ; énergie sans carbone et CO2 négatif, électrification sans stockage, équilibrage de l’énergie, coûts énergétiques inférieurs à ceux des énergies renouvelables et des combustibles fossiles
T. Transports ; propulsion zéro carbone, autonomie illimitée, électricité de secours
S. Solutionsréalisables.
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